Respect Your Cat Day

…Or pay the price, and be snubbed by them! I love my cats! I always have! So, when I discovered that today is Respect your Cat Day, I was thrilled, and wanted to share with my followers! I’m not sure when or where this originated, but do I care? Of course not! There are lotsContinueContinue reading “Respect Your Cat Day”

Klepto Kitty Strikes Again!

Firstly, I must say, I really DO love my kittens. They are great company and an endless source of entertainment for me. But some days, we have minor disagreements. It’s not easy living with a pair of ninja kleptomaniacs! This morning, I caught Hamish slinking past me with something brown in his mouth. He hadContinueContinue reading “Klepto Kitty Strikes Again!”

A Little “Cat-titude”

Domestic cats have been a part of our lives since ancient times, around 7500BC. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were the first people to domesticate them. The Egyptians venerated and worshiped the cat above all other animals. They say that cats have not forgotten this, and from the behavior of any cat I’veContinueContinue reading “A Little “Cat-titude””

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