Do You Like Bats?

I love bats! And I have stories about them too…. look, JJ, it has ears! (Personal joke…) One of my favourite stories is how I rescued the guy in the shopping center across from me. He had hair down to his bum-hole. But he realized something was stuck in his still-closed doorway, so he calledContinueContinue reading “Do You Like Bats?”

Happy International Dog Day!

I love dogs, don’t get me wrong. But as a responsible dog owner, it would NOT be fair to own one at this stage in my life… But I have owned and loved many over the years, and made some good and true friendships, and asked for advice more times than I can remember! reading “Happy International Dog Day!”

Cancer – Don’t Forget To Breathe

This is exactly the way I feel these days… You ever feel like just stopping to breath? Yep, that’s me right now….So everyone reading this, find a comfy spot. Get a cuppa’ if you like… Sit comfortably. Close your eyes if you like. Deep, deep breath in through your nose, then out your opened mouth.ContinueContinue reading “Cancer – Don’t Forget To Breathe”

Friday Funny June 18th

Sometimes I think I’m losing my mind… that I would forget my own head, if it wasn’t sewn on right! Am I the only one who does the following? I’ve lost count of the number of times, lol! Typical “Oops” email! I’m also prone to going shopping, and forgetting the one most important thing IContinueContinue reading “Friday Funny June 18th”

Motivational Mondays for Fellas

I thought I would do a quick post for all the guys out there. I know most inspirational posts are targeted at women, but I feel you deserve some love and respect as well.  Especially in these tough times, we all need to feel better about ourselves, and deserve to be able to reach outContinueContinue reading “Motivational Mondays for Fellas”

Memories Of My Uncle Bob

It’s hard to know where to start when asked about my memories of you. But they go back a long ways, that I know. I remember in my early years, spending a lot of time at Nana’s house, and that meant spending much of it with you, as she cooked, was baking or did the washing.I rememberContinueContinue reading “Memories Of My Uncle Bob”

Motivational Monday

I think I’m going to try one a week from now… a little inspiration to get your week started. And here’s one for all my lady friends out there. I’m thinking especially about a lovely friend who is fighting cancer like I am, and starting chemotherapy today. I wish you best wishes and healing thought.ContinueContinue reading “Motivational Monday”

The Sleeping Giant Legend

I remember as a bairn (child) growing up in Kinross, hearing about some of the local legends and folklore of the area. Some of it was stories told by the adults, and some was whispered lore by the our school chums and play pals as we sat quietly on the grass and listened and letContinueContinue reading “The Sleeping Giant Legend”

Just What The Doctor Ordered!

Who doesn’t love a trip to the seaside on a gorgeous sunny day? I certainly do! And since I have chemo tomorrow and will miss out on the nice forecast for the next day or two, I decided that it was a good idea to take advantage of it today. I wanted spend some timeContinueContinue reading “Just What The Doctor Ordered!”


Here’s one for all my female followers. A friend posted this recently on Facebook, and I thought it would be a nice reminder, for all of us. We all need to remember who we are, and who we want to be. To become the best possible version of ourselves. There is magic within us all.ContinueContinue reading “Become…”

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